Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hollandaise, Blender Version - Mastering the Art of French Cooking V. 1

My foray into Julia Child's acclaimed kitchen wisdom and the infamous Mastering the Art of French Cooking is a simple sauce, Hollandaise made in the blender.  For the sake of time and because I have never tried this type of emulsion by hand before, i went with the blender version. It was VERY VERY easy and VERY VERY good!  Ok, so my children have yet to mature their taste buds to fabulous rich sauces such as this, but my palette was in over drive.  Could I quote from the movie "Julie and Julia"?  "It's eggs and butter that have been whipped into submission. Yum!"  Oh yes, YUM!

Just a side note, the timing worked out great. I needed egg whites for the frosting a day and a half ago and had yolks needing to be used so they were perfect to go with eggs and bagels this morning. I know the picture isn't great, but I took a bite before remembering to take a picture so I had to improvise.

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