Saturday, July 10, 2010

Seven Minute Frosting - Martha Stewart Cupcakes

PREP : Fair
TASTE: YUCK! - personal reflection, some liked it
REPEAT : probably not

This is a frosting recipe that calls for whipped egg whites and a heated sugar drizzled into the egg whites. I've made this before, maybe similar, maybe just about the same, with a recipe from the King Arthur Whole Grain Baking cookbook. I couldn't stand it then and I can't stand it now.  To me it's very greasy tasting. It's stable but gross.  Tyler liked it plain, Liana liked it on the cupcakes.  I thought it was awful.  However, I should state that it did have a marshmallow flavor to it.  Perhaps it might be a good basis for a recipe needing some sort of a marshmallow cream to it.

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